Western Forest Lands

Breathtaking views and natural wonders abound in the Western Forest Lands. This region is ideal for outdoor enthusiasts. Home to the Bald Eagle State Forest, Snyder Middleswarth Natural Area, R. B. Winter State Park and Sand Bridge State Park, the Western Forest Lands are perfect locations for biking, hiking and camping getaways.

Here you'll discover some of the most distinct outdoor features found in the Commonwealth: Sandy Bridge State Park, at three acres, is the smallest state park in Pennsylvania, and Chimney Rocks offers some of the highest peaks (over 2,200 ft.) and stunning views of the White Mountain ridge.

The Western Forest Lands are also home to picturesque downtowns and quaint shops that specialize in quality goods and hometown hospitality.

Learn more about the attractions, shops, restaurants and businesses that call the Western Forest Lands their home: